The EI Program is a comprehensive treatment program that targets various developmental domains.
Below are some examples of treatment goals as part of the program, in addition to other
individualized goals identified from the assessments:
Language and communication: Requesting, Pointing, Labeling Objects, Commenting, Following
Social: Greeting, Sharing, Personal Space, Self-Advocacy, Joint Attention
Play: Parallel Play, Functional Play, Pretend Play, Turn Taking, Independent Play
Imitation: Gross Motor Imitation, Object Imitation
Cognitive/Pre-Academic: Matching, Early Literacy, Puzzles
Motor: Drawing, Arts & Crafts, Pencil Grips, Using Utensils
Independent Living: Hanging Coat/Backpack, Dressing, Handwashing, Potty Training, Clean-Up
Feeding: Independent Eating, Expanding Food Variety
Behavior: Transition, Waiting, Lining Up, Sustained Engagement, Following Group Instructions, Sitting
in Circle