ABA Services


Our clinic has both individual therapy rooms and group therapy rooms to accommodate the wide range of needs from our clients. The individual treatment rooms offer a distraction free learning environment for children; whereas the group treatment rooms allow multiple children in the same learning environment, hence, it provides valuable social learning opportunities for each child. For some children, simply receiving service in a different environment other than the child’s home will allow the him/her to generalize skills to other people and settings.

We offer 3 time slots a day, 5 days a week (Monday to Friday) and family has the flexibility to choose a 2 or 2.5 hour session within each time slot:
  • Morning session: 9am to 12pm
  • Afternoon session: 12pm to 3pm
  • Evening session: 3pm-6pm


The home setting offers an excellent natural learning environment for the child. Caregivers can benefit from observing and participating directly in their child’s therapy. Behaviors unique to the home environment such as facilitating sibling interaction, addressing family mealtime behaviors, or following household routines can be easily targeted. Typical home therapy session is between 2 to 3 hours.
  • Morning session: 9am to 12pm
  • Afternoon session: 12pm to 3pm
  • Evening session: 3pm-6:30pm


Our supervisor staff altogether have accumulated decades of experience working with both public and private school teachers. If your child’s school and insurance carrier allow ABA support in the school, Sum of Learning will provide an individual aide to work with your child in the school. Goals often targeted in the school setting include: following classroom routines, participating in group instruction, facilitating social interactions with peers. We also work closely and collaborate with the school teachers, and together we come up with a behavior plan to reduce challenging behaviors and strategies that will best support your child in the classroom.

Contact Us

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  • address:
    2310 130th Ave. NE Building B Suite 100 Bellevue WA 98005
© Sum of Learning 2017